Financial disclaimer

The information displayed on this website shall not, and is not intended to, constitute an offer or invitation or recommendation to hold, purchase, or sell any shares or other securities in Dottikon ES Holding AG or a confirmation of a transaction or an offer to enter into a transaction. The information displayed on this website may not be used in or distributed to any relevant jurisdiction (in particular the United States, Japan, Canada, or Australia) where it might not be in compliance with regulatory requirements. The shares or other securities of Dottikon ES Holding AG have not been and will not be registered in any jurisdiction outside Switzerland.

The shares and other securities of Dottikon ES Holding AG may not be offered, sold, or delivered and no solicitation to purchase such shares and other securities may be made within the United States or to U.S. persons absent an applicable exemption from the registration requirements of United States securities laws or within any other jurisdiction and in a manner where such offer, sale, delivery, or solicitation might not be in compliance with regulatory requirements.